Before you order...

We need to explain how the process works. It is magical, but not actual magic, so we'll give you some instructions!
Read manual
Read carefully our instructions before start customizing.
Customize your E-Pet with our E-Pet designer.
Place order
Review your choices and send us your order for us to review.*
Crafting time
Once your order is confirmed, we will start working on your E-Pet.**
Your unique E-Pet will be delivered to your doorstep.
*Due to the artisanal nature of our work, we review and accept a limited number of orders at a time to ensure the highest quality and customer satisfaction  :)
**This process takes between 2-4 months. we will keep in touch in the meanwhile, please be patient!
Get yours

What’s Included in the Basic Commission?

1 Electronic device

1 Wrist band
1 Charger

Adaptation of 1 character/fursona

Selection of your favorite items

Final steps

Preparing to place your order
User manual

Before submitting your request, please make sure to read the user manual and check if our product and services suit your needs. Within the instructions, you'll find key points to consider for the proper functioning of the device and the customization of Kurinu E-Pets. Ensuring you are familiar with these details will help maximize your satisfaction and success with our product.

Download user manual
Terms of service

By submitting the request form, you acknowledge that you have read Kurinu E-Pets' terms of service and are informed about our policies regarding orders, technical support, and returns. You can find the terms of service here.

Are you ready?

Let's get that E-Pet now!

Get yours